Monday, May 5, 2014

Happy Spring! Celebrating Hıdırellez!

Hıdırellez is a celebration of arrival of spring! Starts on the night of May 5th and falls on May 6th. It is generally celebrated in Turkey and in Turkic world.

As my memories, we meet at the night of the May 5th and get together with friends and family. We start a decent high camp fire that we can jump over.

Another tradition I have heritage from my family is that finding a rose bush which I personally pick pink rose, and write the wishes you have and dig near by the roots and plant the paper right there. It is well believed that the wishes come true this time of the year, occasionally.

However this tradition is known as the wishes written on a piece of paper and thrown at a river or sea nearby as well.

Well Happy Spring y'all and hopefully it will be great summer! That is my the top wish since we in Ohio had a horrifying never-ending winter!


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